A Job Search Solution

A Job Hunter and Career Change Manual by the Nation's Top Outplacement Consultant

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Job search sites are great, but sometimes there's no better teacher then real-life experiences.  A Job Search Solution Book comes from real life experiences of one on one and group career coaching on the road throughout the United States.  I have met executives first hand who have suffered real job loss just like you, while being faced with the difficulties of unemployment, anxiety, depression, and found real ways to help overcome them. 

In this book you will learn effective job search strategies that will enable you to find the best job fit in the least amount of time. We’ll introduce practical approaches to gaining cooperation from others, including developing and expanding lists of contacts, increasing awareness of helpful, influential individuals. You’ll see how you can minimize Internet search times, post resumes to specific sites, and take advantage of social and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn.

This book is filled with new concepts and ideas that may challenge your traditional beliefs about managing, strategizing, and tactical approaches to conduct an effective job search campaign.
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